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We are participating in the local Hobby Craft, Easter Bonnet competition. Some fabulous designs have been created and we can't wait to hand them in to the shop for judging.


This morning P5-P7 were working in random groups playing a game of reasoned rounding. Lots of collaboration and Math Talk Moves strategies within each group.


This week P5-7 had the chance to train up in leading their own lunch time club. During session 1 we explored the skills we would need to be able to organise a games club and we talked about the different sports we might like to play. Next week it is an outside active school's session. ... Continue reading "Health and Well-being"


Last Thursday the P5-7 enjoyed a visit to West Lothian College with other cluster schools. We had the opportunity to participate in 2 sustainability events led by the coaches and students in the college. Our first event was sports and Handball! Then in the afternoon we participated in a climate change workshop with lots of ... Continue reading "Sustainability Events Week"


On Wednesday P5-P7 had a fabulous visit to Alloway in Ayrshire to learn more about social history and the famous poet Robert Burns. We visited the flagship museum after our sunny walk that weaved through the village, along the Poet's Path, taking us from historical buildings to landmarks known to Burns. We also stepped inside Burns ... Continue reading "Robert Burns Cottage and Museum"


We had a fun afternoon session with Limelight music. They are here for 16 weeks and today was amazing! We started off with a few drama and singing games before learning a few notes on the Djembe drum. Lots of meta- skills in the session, including creativity, communication, collaboration and we are very excited for ... Continue reading "Celtic Crofts Music"


Today we have had a fantastic morning at West Lothian College in their fabulous play area. The children got to be creative baking cupcakes, build with the blocks, create clay models, dance to the music, make bracelets, craft and participate in lots of imaginative play. We can't wait to go back again for a visit ... Continue reading "Play at West Lothian College"


This morning we had a special visitor in from West Calder High School. We had an Italian lesson full of fun games and lots of learning.


This afternoon we joined the University of Edinburgh online to participate in the Internet project involving the sensors. We had a chance to read lots of data and then to investigate 4 different readings and where they might have come from! Lots of great discussion, thinking skills, creativity and collaboration. This was exciting and we ... Continue reading "Internet of Things Project"


Today we were thinking about our learning this term on higher order thinking questions. We had the opportunity to create our own game in trios and base the game on our current group novel or Scotland topic. The questions on the game should include a mix of HOT questions in order to move through the ... Continue reading "Creative Literacy activity and Higher Order Thinking Questions"


Today we had fun playing the game Guess who with our partners. The aim is to guess the character after working out the equivalent fraction or simplifying the fraction. This helped us to consolidate our learning this term and challenge each other before we move on to the next learning intention. Lots of creativity, collaboration ... Continue reading "Equivalent fractions Guess Who?"

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